Ability to add an assessment objective within the School year setup/Grade Plan Details

We use an Assessment report card for our Lower School with objectives specific to each grade's curriculum and adjusted according to the needs of the students for that year. Each quarter we reevaluate and may need to add, delete, or change the wording of the objectives from the previous year to better reflect what is being done in the classroom.

With the latest updates to onRecord, we have to create new objective skills in a different section of onRecord (Assessment Skills) then search for that particular objective in the drop down menu within the School year setup/Grade Plan Details for that particular grade's assessment. This current process is tedious and extremely time consuming. It has also increased the margin for error exponentially as the list of objectives is many pages long, with many objectives being very similar. Finding the exact wording of the one created for this year is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

  • S Long
  • Apr 7 2017
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    • S Long commented
      August 08, 2022 01:47

      Why is the grading setup being continually ignored?! Another request that would save so much time that has not even been considered for the past 5 years. Isn't it about time to move forward with some of these grading requests out here. Support is getting pretty tired of hearing my pleas for help in finding workarounds.

    • Guest commented
      May 18, 2021 20:12

      I see that this Idea was posed back in 2017. It has been several years since and I'm not seeing much, if any, movement. Was there an acceptable resolution to this?

    • Claudia Gonzalez commented
      November 06, 2017 18:06

      Thank you Sheila, for calling this out. I have run into the exact same issue. We review and update our MANY assessment skills (most of which reach the 250 character limits) twice a year. The new process is extremely inefficient. It would  make the most sense to be able to edit assessment skills directly from the edit function within the grade plan, as we did before the update. Please help us!

    • S Long commented
      April 11, 2017 22:57

      Please also vote for this onRecord idea. The update needs some fixing!
