Have a report that will allow for teachers schedules that include the begin and end times for each course.

Create an advanced list with the following information:

Day (The day the course meets)
Start term (Semester 1 or Semester 2)
Start time (Time the class begins)
End time (Time the class ends)
School Level
Course name
Room ID
Teacher First Name
Teacher Last Name
Course Code

  • Kathy Steinbrueck
  • Aug 22 2017
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • john ronan commented
      February 05, 2019 16:33

      If we limit this to a report, then guarantted it won't cover everyone's needs.  What we need here is the ability to create an ADVANCED list of this information.  AND it needs to BE SURE to *not* be in any way llimited by random blocks.

    • Patrick Doering commented
      March 14, 2018 11:50

      In addition, I would like to see the Block added.  Any info used for scheduling would be optimal, like what exists in EE7