Advanced Lists for Infractions and Consequences

I would like to be able to run Advanced Lists for Conduct (Consequences and Infractions). Currently this can only be run in a Sky List, and does not have all the options I am looking for

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Sep 14 2017
  • Unlikely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    3 Dec, 2024 02:25pm

    Need to be able to link infractions to Athletics.

  • Cathy Cohn commented
    25 Oct, 2022 09:07pm

    We would really like to have access to the infractions by student by group. Right now, teachers need to print out this information separately for each of their students by going through the student's profile. It would be great if the information about infractions by student were available through the advanced lists.

  • Pam Foster commented
    16 Feb, 2022 10:45pm

    It would be helpful to include infractions in an advanced list. We were able to create an advanced list that gives us students in US grade levels who have specific excuse types, grouped by Course ID (so we get a count of how many absences they have received per course). We would like the ability to exclude students who already have a specific infraction type in a specific date range. For example, if a student misses Calculus 5 times, we may manually add an infraction to notify the parents. We would like the ability to continue running this report throughout the term and exclude students we have already given an infraction to. Unfortunately, attendance rules look at all classes and not a per class variable for infractions and the Absence Analysis - By Student and Section report does not give us the ability to filter on division, grade level, or which absence types are included, so we are working around this a number of ways and now have to cross-reference our Advanced List with an Infractions List.

  • Kathleen Peak commented
    9 Feb, 2021 12:20pm

    I agree with @lucien's comment below. We need to pull this data out in an advanced list since it cannot be pulled through the API.

  • Lucien Piekut commented
    6 Oct, 2020 02:29pm

    I noticed this was flagged 'Unlikely to implement' -- because of how we use data at our school via the API, I would like if this was added to advanced lists so my staff doesn't have to manually export this info for extra analysis/features I provide at the school.

  • Chris Felinski commented
    22 Sep, 2018 01:24am

    Julia - could the parent emails be added to the consequences list?  The parents names are, but what we want to do is send out an email to all parents 24 hours before their student has a detention they need to serve.  Unfortunately the notification system only is sent to students and the person supervising the detention, so I thought the parent email in the consequence list would be helpful.  We could export the list then copy and paste the emails into an email.

  • Megan Morris commented
    12 Apr, 2018 05:16pm

    Julie - this would be more an update to the infractions themselves, not the lists - but it would also be very useful to have a "date created" (which couldn't be altered) in addition to the infraction date (which can be altered) - it would be very useful for our deans to know when a teacher had back-dated an infraction.

  • Admin
    Julia Meseck commented
    15 Sep, 2017 11:37am

    We'd love to know which options you're looking for so that we can add them to the Conduct lists!