Ability to setup thresholds by infraction type.

At our school, our conduct policy is setup so that when students get X number of a specific infraction, they receive a consequence.  Right now I'm only able to setup thresholds when not using points by the number of infractions.  

  • Julia Meseck
  • Jul 28 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Sep, 2024 08:30pm

    Yes, I'm very interested in being able to set thresholds based on the TYPE of infraction. It's not as useful to me to have every kind of infraction feeding the same point system. Different types require different consequences, which means they need to trigger different thresholds. It would be fantastic if we could create infraction "categories," and all infractions in that category move toward a specific threshold and consequence. Please, please, please. You'd save us many hours of work sorting.

  • Lorrie Neuharth commented
    21 Sep, 2022 07:45pm

    Boosting this idea. Please vote!

  • Guest commented
    28 Nov, 2018 08:55pm

    Hoping this gets some traction- it would be great to be able to group infractions and thresholds together for specific consequences!

  • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
    12 Oct, 2018 04:58am

    Agree that we use have rules like the first dress code violation is a verbal warning, the second is a letter to parents, and the third (and every thereafter) is a detention.  Various thresholds for each infraction would be very helpful.

  • Jeannie Finley commented
    4 Sep, 2018 11:20pm

    I agree with all of these comments!

  • Rick Geyer commented
    24 Aug, 2018 12:04pm

    I know I was the last to comment, but I thought of another feature that would be helpful WHEN this module gets some time in a sprint. :-) It would be great if the attendance rules could be set to run at a certain time. What I am experiencing is that we set up an attendance rule for a parent contact every time there is an unexcused tardy (UT). What I see often, is that the teacher changes this entry after initially putting in a UT. The problem is, that there is no link between the changing of the UT and the infraction that was generated. So unless the person reviewing infractions pulls an attendance list, they have no way to know that this was changed and could send out a notification in error. However, if you could schedule the attendance rules to run at a certain time, say 3:30pm, then it would allow for those mistakes to be corrected and not create infractions for them in the first place.

  • Rick Geyer commented
    13 Jun, 2018 12:02pm

    The feature already exists when assigning infractions based on attendance entries; the same feature needs to be made available to the other infraction types. We also have a consequence matrix where each type of infraction has its own progression for discipline. As it currently stands, the person entering the infraction has to know already how many other infractions of that type the student has received in order to assign the proper consequence. It is currently a very manual process and the workflow is not very good.

    If we are going to enhance this section, may I also suggest you give more options for scheduling the consequence. I would like to be able to auto select the day based on the day of the week. For example, all consequences of this type should be scheduled on the following Wednesday from the current date.

  • Guest commented
    15 Aug, 2017 12:30pm

    In addition, we should have control over when thresholds reset; both in terms of time (end of semester/year, etc.) and whether reaching a threshold resets it. For example, we give warnings for the first 4 tardies, then "grounding" for the next 4, then grounding AND detention after that.


    I realize that there is already an idea for this; however, I think it's prudent for the developers to look at multiple features on a module at once.

  • Guest commented
    8 Aug, 2017 12:58pm
