Schedule Maker - Edit Student Enrollment - indicate difference between target and max class sizes

Those of us changing student schedules need a way to know whether the course has met/exceeded the target class size and, more importantly, when the class is FULL.  Currently, a red dot appears when the course is at the target class size.  That's really not helpful to the counselors who change schedules. What would be more beneficial is if the dot was, say, yellow when the enrollment hit the target, but then red when it hit the max. So, it truly shows them when the course is full. This is really the only way for that information to be useful.  We REALLY need that option added and/or for us to have the ability to set it ourselves.  Thanks!

  • Erica Arnold
  • Jan 5 2018
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Margaret Bell commented
    2 Jul, 2018 06:56pm

    I am currently out of the office, returning July 9th. I will have limited access to my email. However, if you need a transcript, email me the name and address of the school or organization and it will be handled as soon as possible.

  • Amy Calhoun commented
    10 Jan, 2018 08:13pm

    I think the target size if based on the room capacity. This is an issue for us too. 

  • Erica Arnold commented
    5 Jan, 2018 06:29pm

    See attached photo.