Bold Titles in New Report Cards

It would be great if only the course title and assessment title could be bolded in the new report cards. 

  • Marisa Phirangee
  • Nov 14 2018
  • Attach files
  • Tyler Erickson commented
    10 Mar, 2023 09:03pm

    It would be ideal to be able to change the highlighted sections without affecting the rest. I want to be able to make the course title larger and bold without making the assessment skills larger and bold, and I want to be able to make the "Comment" heading larger and bold without making the comment itself larger and bold. This would be a pretty standard way to use headings vs body text.

    For example:

    Column label (Heading 1)
    Course title (Heading 2)
    Skill type (Heading 3)
    Skill (Body/Paragraph)
    Comments header (Heading 3)
    Comment (Body/Paragraph)

  • Tyler Erickson commented
    10 Mar, 2023 08:40pm

    Agreed! Having each assessment skill carry the same style as the course title makes no sense. I want the most obvious thing to be what course the grades are shown for, and I want each assessment skill to appear like body text.

  • Ashley Wiley commented
    7 Nov, 2022 08:47pm

    See an example of what should be changed!

  • Ashley Wiley commented
    7 Nov, 2022 08:46pm

    Our school really needs flexibility in the new report card builder. Having options to bold and edit only one section is ideal and also makes the report card easier to read.

  • Tara Anderson commented
    20 Nov, 2018 08:44pm

    Agreed!  I would also like to have move flexibility for what we can bold/not bold throughout the entire report card-- as an example: when I change the Courses/Groups Grid Style to bold, it changed the format for our skill headings, comment heading and the comment itself. We don't want the comment bold, just the headings!