Allow user to View Test Scores without Additional Access

Right now you can clone a role in order to give access to test scores. However, the cloned roles have inherently built in tasks that allow the users to do other things such as record grades. We would like the ability to just View and or Edit the Test Scores. 

  • Guest
  • Nov 29 2018
  • Attach files
  • Bill Freeman commented
    April 21, 2021 13:37

    The Test Scores section in academics is useful to our administration. I beleive that it would be good if the student or their parent(s) could see the student's scores as well. Since adding the socres to the transcripts is not an acceptable option for me I am left with only one option. Which is to upload a document to the Files section of the student's progress page. However this requires that the data be uploaded twice.

  • Traci Holinger commented
    December 11, 2019 16:56

    I would like to see parents / students have a ability to see their own test scores.

  • Juan Vila commented
    November 29, 2018 21:09
    The following Roles have Access to View, Add and Edit Test Scores for Students:
    • Attendance Manager 
    • Award Manager 
    • Comments Manager
    • Grading Manager
    • Learning Profile Manager 
    • Online Signup Manager 
    • Schedule Manager 

    To Display Test Scores to Parents, you may include them on your School's Transcript (How to create or build a Transcript?)



    Undfortunately, each of these roles have built in tasks that allow the user to edit other components: grades, attendance, awards, LP, schedules, etc.   

    The only option for parents to access their childs test scores is to include them on the transcript.  However, this is discouraged by the major testing companies and schools will not consider these scores official unless the scores are received from ACT or the CollegeBoard. 

  • Juan Vila commented
    November 29, 2018 21:04

    Counselors, teachers, administrators would benefit from accessing students test score to analyze data and monitor students growth.  It would be ideal for our faculty and staff to access and perhaps even edit students' test scores.  This feature is not an option given that by cloning the roles we would give the users access to not only record test scores but edit/record grades from other classes/teachers as well.