We would like an Available Role that gives access to view everything for an impersonated user with no editing access.

Currently we can pull grades into a report but to view comments leaves open the ability to potentially change them by accident when impersonating, and we want to be able to give our Deans, Division Heads, and Department Heads the access to view this information at any time as opposed to just during the review period for grades. Currently there is a KB #102198 that is perfect except for the ability to still edit information. If there was a view only way to do this it would be perfect for us.

  • Guest
  • Oct 21 2016
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  • Juan Vila commented
    November 29, 2018 20:55

    We also would like a "view only" impersonate role for our department leaders and deans to see what the teachers, parents, or students see without having editing rights. 

  • Guest commented
    July 13, 2017 16:31

    We would like a "view only" impersonate role for different reasons, but to the same end. Our division heads and deans want to be able to see exactly what a parent/student sees when they are assisting those folks, but giving that many people the ability to edit while impersonating would likely lead to tricky situations for us to manage.