Ability to Calculate within 'Grades Management'

I am in grades management.  'Enter grades by student'.   It seems *very* inconvenient to have to leave this after entrering a grade and go somewhere else to calculate a calculated column.

e.g. just entered Qtr2.  Want to Calculate Semester1  ....

  • john ronan
  • Jan 28 2019
  • Attach files
  • Angela Kunz commented
    February 25, 2021 16:28

    It would be very nice to give the grade manager the ability to calculate Semester averages just like the teachers. I often have to enter INC after the marking period and then manually calculate what is needed. It would be nice if on a student by student basis the grade manager was able to do the calculation after the teacher has upgraded their grade books with out fuss.

  • john ronan commented
    January 31, 2019 18:43

    The more I work with this, the more  I'm amazed that there is NO WAY to do this as a grade manager.

    Don't schools handle grade changes after the 'grade plan'??? 

    I manage a decent-sized school (1300+) and I get grade change requests all the time.   There is *no way* to change a grade and then calculate dependent grades based on that WITHOUT:

    1. opening the grade plan(s),

    2. impersonating the teacher, doing the calculation ,

    3. Closing the grade plan(s).