Calculate final grades based on course number, not section

Many of our students change sections in year-long courses in the second semester because of changes in the semester-long course they are taking.  Create a final grade calculation that can pull from different sections of the same course.

  • Guest
  • May 30 2018
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 09, 2021 13:32

    Circling back to my comment from 2018... this has been hugely problemastic this year with COVID. Report card grades are recorded in a "permament" record outside the sectional gradebook- why can't these grades be accessed independent of section in a gradeplan calculation? It just doens't make sense...nor should it take 3+ years to address in a meaningful way.

  • Kirsten Mayers commented
    December 12, 2019 17:56

    We use final grades as well and have many students changing sections between fall and spring semester.    The first semester and second semester need to be used to calculate the final grade for the course. 

  • Guest commented
    June 05, 2018 16:11

    I'd be ok even with pulling from the previous report card grade if getting a GB Cumulative is too challenging (as I think it likely is).