Don't Remove Students from Rosters, Gradebooks, and Grading in Term 1 When Dropped/Withdrawn in Term 2

As of this writing, when a student is withdrawn or dropped from a year-long course and switched to a new course and/or section in the middle of the year, the system behaves as if that student was never enrolled in the original course in the first place as far the roster, gradebook, and grading is concerned.  As soon as they are dropped, the students are removed from the original teacher's roster, gradebook, and grading

For us, this is problematic in our Upper School as though it is now the 2nd Semester, teachers are still accessing their 1st Semester courses to finalize grades and comments.  Once a student is dropped, even though they are dropped in the 2nd Semester, this prevents the original 1st Semester teacher from finalizing their semester grade and comment for the student.

The workaround is to leave the student enrolled in the original course and add them to the new course until grades and comments are completed, which results in the student's 'My Day' schedule showing up as being double-booked.  Otherwise, it's now the responsibility of the new teacher to enter a grade and comment for the student on behalf of the original teacher.

We need to be able to have our students only be enrolled in their active courses but still allow our teachers from the previous term to still access the student's gradebook and grading areas so that they can continue their info from the 1st Semester.

  • Alex Orlebeke
  • Jan 29 2020
  • Attach files
  • Lorrie Neuharth commented
    25 Apr, 2023 06:05pm

    Please consider fixing this known issue.

  • Sydney Kerber commented
    25 Apr, 2023 05:34pm

    This is an issue we have been experiencing with our withdrawn students. Families will come to us looking for a report card, but the grades will no longer be visible for their first semester, even though they received full credit. If this could be resolved, it would make a massive difference in our off-boarding process.

  • Lawrence Shin commented
    4 Feb, 2021 08:02pm

    Yes, agree with Evelyn Brown. Absolutely.

  • Evelyn Brown commented
    3 Feb, 2021 09:50pm

    I'm not sure what needs to happen to make this a priority, but this is a MAJOR issue for our school. We have students withdraw after the first semester all the time, and we NEED their semester 1 enrollment to remain intact. I cannot emphasize enough how much this needs to be fixed ASAP.