On the contact card of an individual, could we add a Head of Household indicator under Relationships between Spouses? There is a Primary indicator for student to parent, but I am looking for a HOH between married persons. This should be a field that is accessible in SKY, Insight Designer and Advance Lists.
@Janet - First, using the HOH contact information would be acceptable. Repurposing the Primary Contact field would work for me, but maybe not other schools. Second, in the current structure I cannot produce a list to identify who is the Head of each Household, not “one of the adults in the group” as the group may have 4 parents and two households. Ordinal relations do not meet my needs the way they were intended as the order that a relation is added is consistent enough. Lastly, I would like to create a list of students and only output which parents are living at that address without having to cross check the Address IDs. I hope that starts some good conversation.
We could really utilize something like this.
Hi Traci, because this expression comes with some ambiguity, we are considering making one of the adults in the group of related users a Primary contact. Their contact information would be considered the Household's contact information (address, email, phone) . Does that idea still meet your needs?
This indicator would be great!