Head of Household indicator

On the contact card of an individual, could we add a Head of Household indicator under Relationships between Spouses? There is a Primary indicator for student to parent, but I am looking for a HOH between married persons. This should be a field that is accessible in SKY, Insight Designer and Advance Lists.

  • Traci Holinger
  • Dec 2 2020
  • Attach files
  • Traci Holinger commented
    December 02, 2020 22:09

    @Janet - First, using the HOH contact information would be acceptable. Repurposing the Primary Contact field would work for me, but maybe not other schools. Second, in the current structure I cannot produce a list to identify who is the Head of each Household, not “one of the adults in the group” as the group may have 4 parents and two households. Ordinal relations do not meet my needs the way they were intended as the order that a relation is added is consistent enough. Lastly, I would like to create a list of students and only output which parents are living at that address without having to cross check the Address IDs. I hope that starts some good conversation.

  • Kimo Zachariah commented
    December 02, 2020 20:41

    We could really utilize something like this.

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    December 02, 2020 20:34

    Hi Traci, because this expression comes with some ambiguity, we are considering making one of the adults in the group of related users a Primary contact. Their contact information would be considered the Household's contact information (address, email, phone) . Does that idea still meet your needs?

  • Carol Vila commented
    December 02, 2020 18:19

    This indicator would be great!