Use Cumulative Average When Entering Grades

tl;dr: Please add an option for using ytd cumulative (as diaplayed in the gradfebook) as the grade of record for a grading period.

When our grading period ends for a multiterm course, our only recourse is to use a weighted sum between the terms. In our case, we have two semester-long containers (Fall, Spring). Some of our classes are semester-long while others are year-long. [I imagine other schools use "Lengths" of 2, 3, or 4 (semester, trimester, quarter).]

The way BB is currently organized, the grades from within a discrete unit are stuck there and cannot be used to form a cumulative grade once grades are recorded. The salt in the wound is that there is an option [for multiterm courses] to display a student's cumulative grade in the gradebook. The software even checks that the same grading formula is being used across marking periods! The desired, calculated value thus exists in the dark, shadowy recesses of the BB database.

  • Jon Gray
  • Jan 26 2021
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