Report Out Year Cumulative on Report Cards

We would like to be able to report out a running cumulative grade on report cards and transcripts, rather than have a formula averaging quarters and semesters. While we can see the Year Cumulative in our grade books, we can't select that grade for the report cards and have to enter them manually. I don't know if other schools calculate grades this way or not, but it would be helpful to ours!

  • Kerry Jackson
  • Jan 6 2016
  • Attach files
  • Stanley Golanka commented
    April 14, 2022 12:35

    Absolutely. Teachers who use the year end cumulative cannot use the automatic grading feature of the report card system--which seems like a strange restriction.

  • Guest commented
    September 28, 2021 15:08

    Yes, please allow teachers to carry over the cumulative YTD column grade to any marking period. We use a year long gradebook (for full year courses) with the current YTD grade entered at each marking period. Current set up requires teachers to hand enter grades for full year courses which invites human error in grade recording. BB...please understand not every school calculates final grade based on closing semester or trimester grades.

  • Jon Gray commented
    January 26, 2021 15:15

    This times infinity. It seems like such a tease to have it displayed in the gradebook yet not be able to report it out for grading!

  • Guest commented
    May 31, 2018 18:12

    If the formula for the final grade can never calculate based on total points and we have to manually enter grades,  it would be nice to be able to copy and paste an entire column at once. We have some teachers that would be required to copy and paste 700 different grades because of how many classes they teach.  Way too much time is being wasted because there is not a formula option as Shannon mentioned in her comment.

  • Guest commented
    May 31, 2018 17:30

    We are currently set up on a trimester system, and run report cards at the end of each trimester. We do not weight our grades and would like for our Final Grade printed on the report card to match the YTD Cumulative grade in the grade book. There is currently no way to enter a formula to calculate (total points earned)/(total points possible) for the final report card grade. We do not want to use a formula based on percentages of the trimester grade because it does not accurately depict a student's grade for several reasons - each trimester may not have the same total points, some students enroll or withdraw in the middle of a trimester, etc. The YTD Cumulative is displayed in the gradebook and on the details screen for parents/students to view, so it should be populated on the report card with the same value.

  • Guest commented
    May 17, 2017 13:16

    We do report on quarters and semesters and use a formula to calculate semester and year-end grades; however, the available options for the formula to calculate a year-end final course grade (50% fall semester + 50% spring semester) is lacking. Currently, you may only calculate this year-end final grade using a formula that pulls the grade listed on the report card. You CANNOT use the actual number calculated by the formula to reach a semester grade. For example, our upper school semester formula is (40% 1st quarter + 40% second quarter + 20% semester exam). If this formula generates the number 89.356, it is reported as a B+ on the report card. When the year-end final calculation is run, it cannot use the 89.356 calculation but instead looks at the B+, goes to our translation table, inserts the value of 88, and then runs the calculation. The student just lost 1.356 in the calculation or 0.678 points on her final grade. Conversely, if the semester calculation resulted in an 87.1 average, it is reported as a B+ as well. In that student's year-end final grade calculation, she receives an additional 0.45 boost to her final grade. It would be much more appropriate if the results of one calculation could be used as a term in a future calculation.

  • Elaine Bregman commented
    May 12, 2017 19:20

    This would be extremely helpful.  Since we use a year cumulative grade, the calculation does not help our faculty at all.

  • Guest commented
    October 12, 2016 13:27

    I would also like to have this option instead of teachers manually entering the Year Cumulative.  This would be extremely helpful for us!