Cumulative grade based on weighing gradebooks

We need to provide parents with a "in time" course cumulative grade that is reflective of how the grades are reported on the report card. For report cards Semester 1 is 40%Q1, 40%Q2 and 20% of midterm. AND teachers can modify grades for report card grading if necessary. However, the cumulative cannot reflect this and just counts the Q1 and Q2 gradebooks equally.

Then once a full year course goes into Semester 2, you lose how semester 1 grades were calculated, because again the cumulative just looks at the gradebooks.

Parents and students need a way to see the true cumulative at any point to know if their students are at risk of failing at any given time - but particularly as the school year winds down in Quarter 4.

There should be a way to define the course Cumulative Grade based on weighing the Gradebooks. The course cumulative that parents see should be in sync with what is on the Grading Tab --> Report cards.

  • Patricia Krueger
  • Apr 25 2023
  • Attach files
  • Cristina Conciatori commented
    26 May, 2023 02:48pm

    Yes, it is providing false advertising when the cummulative grade that is shown in the gradebook is just an average of the marketing periods and doesn't take in consideration the grading calculations that are setup.