More Granular Permission Options for Conduct Viewing Rights

Within the set up for an infraction, you can specify which roles you want to view that infraction. We want our Administrators and Advisors to be able to see all infractions for every student. However, we only want teachers to see the infractions they issue. The problem is, if you check "Restrict faculty to only their conduct," this includes ALL faculty, including advisors and admins. In order to overcome this, the solution from support was to clone the Conduct Manager role and give out way more access than needed. We need to be able to restrict or allow for each group.

My suggestion would be to list the permissions similar to how it is set up for Group page access where you have "teachers" but then "All other teachers." If each group had two options like this, schools could configure access to conduct in a way that best suited their school without having to dole out manager rights.

  • Rick Geyer
  • Sep 13 2021
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    • Mark Siemon commented
      October 07, 2022 19:15

      A big endorsement for this one also. A simple solution to this would be to make the "restrict faculty to only their conduct" per role in each conduct infraction.