Advanced List to report on Missing Assignments by Grade or other criteria

There are several Ideas asking for this exact thing, and all of them have been marked as "Implemented" when they are not, in fact, implemented. What you have declared as "Implemented" is a report on missing assignments for an advisory. What we are asking for is the ability to report on missing assignments for all students in a grade level as one example.

Recreating this report as an Advanced List would give us the ability to report on this using criteria like grade level, school level, gender, race/ethnicity, course department, meeting block, etc. We could also report on past years to show a pattern over time.

  • john simpson
  • Oct 13 2021
  • Attach files
  • Mike Gustin commented
    1 Nov, 2024 12:13pm

    It would be extremely helpful to be able to pull a list of which assessment grades are still blank for the division offices to check at report card time to make sure that teachers have entered all of their grade/skill values during grade entry.

  • Sara Wood commented
    23 Oct, 2023 03:32pm

    Our support services team has to go through a long convoluted process to try and see missing assignments for the students who receive services. It would be great to have a reporting feature for learning profile managers.

  • Matt DiGiulio commented
    10 Apr, 2023 02:33pm

    It would be extremely helpful to be able to pull a global list that shows "missing" status. Useful for every school as a built-in feature, is a significant drawback to not be able to do this.

  • Mikhail Lovell commented
    6 Jan, 2023 02:19pm

    Really need the display field for missing assignments. It's pivotal for our division directors and registrars so we can assist the faculty and students in keeping missing assignments in check.

  • Tracy Dodge commented
    28 Oct, 2022 12:50pm

    you can get out the display fields of Exempt and Late in advanced lists. PLEASE add missing.

  • Guest commented
    19 Nov, 2021 03:06pm

    This would be great, if you could create a report with filters allowing customization.

    We are just looking for an all inclusive report for the entire school - (MS and HS) for

    cummulative missing assignments for time periods (also a filter) either from the beginning of the year, or certain weeks, or certain marking periods.

  • Danielle Keeney commented
    11 Nov, 2021 06:13pm

    In addition to Advanced Lists, having the option within the Gradebook Grades SKY List would be great for gradebook managers. Both a column and a filter for missing assignments.