Need partial credit to count toward diploma requirement

Our school awards partial to full credit for course completion. The help document states that "A student must earn full credit in a course in order for that credit to count toward requirements for a diploma. If your school awards partial credit, this will not count as a completion and the partial credit(s) will not count toward the requirements." This is not helpful for the schools that award partial credit, and makes for a lot more work in tracking credits through a separate system. Please fix.

  • Susan Blaisdell
  • Nov 28 2022
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Erin Caprielian commented
    September 25, 2024 16:31

    Voting for this as well; it's very common to have a requirement for a full (1.0) credit for a course that is met by a student taking two half (0.5) credit classes.

  • Susan Blaisdell commented
    June 28, 2024 12:25

    The crazy workaround we have had to institute to make diploma work is to change all of our courses from either .5 or 1 credit down to .1 credit so that diploma will count credits earned. This means every year we have to set up new courses

  • Kristin Solomon commented
    March 08, 2024 19:40

    We have a student that transferred to our school 2nd semester of his freshman year. We award credit per semester for full year classes. He earned credit for the semster he was at our school. When reviewing the Requirements necessary for graduation, these classes are not factoring into the calculation. I understand that your system does not allow for partial credit to be awarded, but I belive it should. Please fix this in your system.

  • Rick Geyer commented
    June 14, 2023 13:43

    This kind of scenario plays out all the time. Either a student is exceling in a regular class and is then moved to the honors level at the semester, or a student is struggling in honors and is moved to the regular section. In both cases, partial credit should be given so that at the end of the year you recognize that they fulfilled the requirement for a particular course. Is it possible for the graduation requirements to follow the grading information on the course record? If the course is set up to give credit per term, then why don't the graduation requirements do the same?