Diploma––Create the ability (filter?) to include future courses (next semester) courses the student is enrolled in

It would be very helpful to be able to see the projected number of credits in progress a student is enrolled in. For example, if an eleventh-grade student will take one single semester course in the fall and one single semester course in the spring, we would be able to filter the view to include the future spring semester-course enrollment.

  • Erin Aiston
  • Sep 15 2023
  • Attach files
  • Chris Felinski commented
    11 Jan 06:23pm

    Agree 100%. For a 1 semester course that starts in the spring, it would be nice to have something that states enrollment status next two the status. For example, when it says "Not Started", have it say "Not Started (Not Enrolled)" or "Not Started (Enrolled Spring 2025)" or maybe just a different icon indicating not enrolled. It is a lot of extra steps to flip back to the schedule to make sure they are enrolled in the class 2nd semester.

  • Sarah Herrick commented
    3 Oct, 2024 07:39pm

    I agree with this request as it would provide a more accurate reflection of the student's progress for the current school year.

  • Adrian S. commented
    27 Sep, 2023 03:16pm

    Agreed. It should display courses within the academic year as in progress, or at least have the option of how it displays (current term or current year).