We have teachers that use a Standards Based Grading system that have to use another product until it is time to submit their grades for the term. For these teachers, the ability to import or upload their grades as a .csv file or simply the ability to copy and paste and entire line of data into the gradebook would be helpful.
Not a true LMS if you can't import gradebook grades via an excel spreadsheet or from one period to the next with the same teacher.
Please add this feature. Right now, after grades are manually added and then calculated, teachers have to go in AGAIN and round the grades to whole numbers, since the report card builder cannot do the rounding for us. This needs to happen.
Hard to believe that onCampus does not offer this. Would be great.
Many requests for this since teachers often use 3rd party testing products that are more secure than onCampus assessments.
Our teachers would like the same thing. They want to be able to upload them from an excel file for a particular assignment.