Allow Teachers to Make Course Recommendations For Past Course Students

At this time it is only possible for current teachers of students to submit course recommendations for their students. We've run into an issue where a teacher is unable to submit course recommendations for next year for a course they taught in the first semester.


We'd like to be able to have teachers in this situation recommend courses for their students from the past semester, as the students may not have an equivalent course in the current semester to receive proper recommendations for their next steps.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Mar 9 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    18 Mar, 2016 04:19pm

    Some schools allow students to take the same electives from year to year. Currently Course Recommendations does not allow Teachers to recommend an elective that has already been taken.

  • Vanessa Noe commented
    10 Mar, 2016 03:47pm

    We have classes such as Yearbook, Contemporary Ensemble, Performance Ensemble... where students have to interview or audition in order to be accepted.  If the teacher of those courses does not currently teach those students then they are unable to make the recommendation when the student is accepted.