Ability to turn off conduct by division

At our school, we don't track conduct in the lower school--just in the upper school.  We would like for the Report Infraction option to go away for the lower school teachers.  Right now, I'm not able to control who it appears for.  

  • Julia Meseck
  • Jul 28 2016
  • Attach files
  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    28 Sep, 2017 05:38pm

    We have a similar issue, but if this were resolved it would solve it.  We want to be able to use Conduct internally at the US level, with parents at the MS level, and not at all at the LS level. Control by School Level would be a huge help.  We thought by choosing not to send infraction notices to the US parents, and not making it "VISIBLE", it would prevent parents from seeing the consequence..but that isn't the case.  The consequence still shows for parents even though the infraction is not "visible" to them.  At a minimum I need to control whether specific consequences are "Visible" to parents.  Thanks!

  • Julie Farr commented
    17 May, 2017 04:46pm

    We turned off the parent and student view for both middle and lower school to accomplish this. Then we will use Conduct internally for middle school.

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