We have 3 school levels. Lower School, Middle School and Upper School. These campuses all function separately and have their own office staff and conduct managers. As of now, if I enable notifications for conduct managers in lower school, my upper school conduct managers will receive those notifications. I would love to allow only lower school notifications to go to lower school conduct managers. middle to middle, upper to upper.
As of the 10/31/23 release, infraction notifications will now respect the school levels filtered for a user on their Conduct Manager role.
I believe this is the same as K12OR-I-1216. Please combine ideas.
*Seems like the groundwork for the functionality is already laid and could be built upon to also control notifications in a future release. Read my previous comment and it sounds like I am implying this is already implemented, which it is not.
Seems like the functionality is already there. Filtering by level on the Members tab of the role, for each member, is already in place. Could this possibly control notifications as well? Hopeful!
Agree fully that the Conduct Infractions notifications need to be filtered by division!
Our High School conduct manager gets all the notifications for all the Lower and Middle School infractions, and vice versa. There is a filter in the system that says they are the High school manager, so why can't the notifications be filtered? It is a LOT of mess for the managers of each school to parse through. PLEASE change this!
It seems like the way blackbaud is set up currently is only for small schools where there may only be one conduct manager. Blackbaud has a lot of customers that do not follow that rule so it seems like it should be a no brainer.
This would be so helpful?!