Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-713 We would like to have cumulative simple GPA and weighted GPA appear in the students academic profile..

Ability to Have GPAs Display a Default Calculation in Student Profiles Merged

Right now, if we go to a student's profile through onRecord > People Finder, the Grade Averages listed on the right always display the year's GPA. However, we have some GPAs set up just for cumulative calculations and would like to be able to have a quick view of that as well.

We'd like to be able to set within the Grade Average setup which GPA is displayed by default, similar to how the Types are set up to allow selecting Term GPA, Year to date GPA, and Cumulative GPA. If we select just Cumulative GPA here, we'd like it to show that cumulative for this GPA on the student's profile regardless of the selected year.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Jan 12 2017
  • Carol Ann Michaelson commented
    March 23, 2017 21:29

    I agree with the comments. I would assume most high schools utilize the cumulative GPA  above any other calculation, so it would be extremely helpful to be able to set a default. It is misleading to have a grade average labeled "cumulative" when it is, in fact, defaulting to year to date.

  • Ana Meneses commented
    March 10, 2017 13:40

    Another issue is if you have brought in your grades they are under transfer grades. We brought over semester grades as term grades and year end grades as final. When creating a calculation if we select transfer grades and then term grades the term grades are not being used but in fact the final grade is pulled for the calculation. The data is stored in the students record therefore it should be accessible as well.

  • Jamie Hardy commented
    January 19, 2017 16:22

    Currently, grade averages on a student's academic profile apparently include only the selected academic year by default. To me, this doesn't make sense - it should be a cumulative GPA for a student's entire HS or MS career. It's possible to get this number by clicking on the grade average title and toggling to "cumulative," but again, I think this should be the default.