Year End Statements

Wish list:  

  1. School address needs to be on the upper left side of page for double window envelopes. Maybe move Smart Tuition logo to right hand side.
  2. Would like the report sorted in alphabetical order by payment description.  Currently statement is sorted by Paid in 2018 (amount - large to small).  Parents use the statement for tax purposes for after school billing.
  3. Adding the student code under the address line to show in a window envelope.
  4. The address line should be slightly lower to show in a regular #10 window envelope.
  • Donna DesRuisseaux
  • Oct 1 2018
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Donna DesRuisseaux commented
    30 Jul, 2019 02:22pm

    How hard would it be to fix the layout of your statements to make sure the mailing address fits in a window envelope when folding in 3

  • Talia Requena commented
    27 Nov, 2018 02:25pm

    All statements need to include the school mailing address and Tax ID number for tax purposes. With the limitations in our ability to generate a family invoice based on specific criteria (a feature readily available in BB student billing) we have to create manual invoices that are student and/or billing item specific for our families. The Smart Tuition invoices are being rejected by the flexible spending vendors and creating a backlog of manual statement requests in our office.