Billing Entries entered by school Button "Next Billing Cycle" or "Next available Bill"

Currently we struggle with our clients understanding the billing cycle. Many of them are not aware of the days prior to invoice timing or just perhaps do not understand it as a whole. 

I received an email from an AOP Diocesean team member with directions of how to zero out and item in Smart. She also CCed the school instructions on how to bill it in FACTS. 


FACTS has a feature when billing is added that options pop up for the school: Next available Bill or Manually Enter Month.

I think we should copy the idea of "next available bill" as it will have a better impact on our families. We explain to our admins about the 20 days invoice delivery but its not always understood. Maybe them picking the next bill versus adding to the box in the current month will assist with the billing being directed via best practices in the system. This will match our best practices and talk tracks to the system. 

Email attached for reference. 

  • Heather Niven
  • Nov 21 2018
  • Attach files