I would like to be able to hide certain relationships from view in the directory. Currently you can hide all student relationships or display all relationships. I want to be able to show student-parent relationships but want to hide student-grandparent relationships. Our parents/teachers/students do not need to see all of a student's grandparents listed on their contact card. I can hide all relevant info except the name itself. It would be great to hide the name and relationship too!
Please do not allow access to contact cards from the directory. There is no need for any information to be visible except a physical address and a phone number in the student directory.
This is something I'd like to see as well. It makes the directory show too many contacts that we may not necessarily want shown in that location.
We would like to suppress the past candidate role from the directory. Scenario - a family applies 2 children. One is granted admission, one child is denied. Currently, the directory shows the sibling that was denied admission within the family profile. Would like the ability to exclude past candidates please.
Yes- Especially parents are divorced and remarried. All other parents do not need to see the Exs.
and we don't want siblings who are "past students" to show. we only want siblings who are current students to show...
AGREE! Also, this idea should be merged with K12CO-I-1319 -- it addresses the same issue. Thanks!
In the past, an OTHER role was created as a clone to the Friend role and named Grandparents. So now because we don't have this ability of hiding a specific relationship we have several GPs in our system that we have no idea which student(s) is their grandchild(ren). Therefore, we don't have good data. If we had this ability we could keep our GPs linked to their grandkids.
This information needs to be hidden from the directory as well as the Contact Card since the student and parent contact cards are always accessible. Better yet, do not allow access to contact cards from the directory.
I agree as well. Grandparents are showing up on our student directory that parents reference and print. There is no reason why parents should see or have access to other student grandparent information.
I agree. Some of our students have as many as 4 grandparents listed under relationships. It would be great to be able to hide their names for parents/students/teachers