School Forms: update additional relationships (Authorized Pickups)

It would be very helpful use an additional student relationship (such as Friend) to allow parents to update and add Authorized Pickups for each child. Or, better yet, add the relationship type of Authorized Pickup and allow parents to add all the people who are authorized to pickup their child. Currently, the only work around for us is to collect the data in a blank form, export to Excel and manually update as changes are made. In an ideal world, this data would be entered like the Emergency Contacts form, and a report could be run within the roster (to allow for separate teacher lists, grade lists or all school list). It would be nice to collect the same information as Emergency Contacts: First Name, Last Name, Relationship to Student, phone and phone type.

  • Katherine Vittum
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Tulchin commented
    14 Jan 23:53

    Yes, people have been telling me that there is a difference between Authorized Pickups and Emergency Contacts. We would like a way to record Authorized Pickups like we do for Emergency Contacts, but being able to make a distinction between the two. Here in Hawai'i most often both parents work and grandparents do a lot of the pick up and drop offs. Four/Five grandparents, aunties, older siblings, etc. Too many to create a custom field, and we like how Emergency Contacts display what's already entered so we don't have to type it over.

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    May 22, 2023 16:00

    Per my post below, I have successfully created a workaround (as one often needs to do with BB!)

    I created custom fields labeled Carpool Release #1 Name, Carpool Release #1 Phone, etc. The parent will fill those out on the back-to-school School Forms via the publishable custom fields element. The info publishes to the student's Contact Card.

    Everyone at school can see it AND staff can easily edit it. Yay - a win for the workaround!!!

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    May 01, 2023 19:26

    Has anyone used Custom Fields on a school form for the authorized pickup person? That's my workaround plan this year....add three new custom fields titled "Carpool Contact #1, #2, etc." The parents will fill it out on their Family Contact form and it will populate on the student contact card. At least that's my plan once I test it.

    Has anyone else done something like this because we know there isn't a built in option from Blackbaud on this IMPORTANT TOPIC!!

  • Guest commented
    April 27, 2023 18:48

    It would be very helpful if Blaclbaud had a feature where we could set up a student Authorized Form for parents to fill out for additional people/contacts to pick their child/children.

  • Marizol Compton commented
    April 27, 2023 18:16

    This is the exact same issue we are running into, I have tried every single workaround, I would like to be able to add a drop down field into the form were parents can click on what authorization the person has aside from the relationship, are they Emergency contacts or are they only allowed to pick up or both.

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    April 27, 2023 17:12

    And while we're on the subject, can Emergency Contacts please have the option to carry over to siblings?? This should also be a requirement for Authorized Pickups.

    We shouldn't have to add an Emergency Contact to one student and then go to the sibling and copy those same steps. The same is true once we have the capability to add Authorized Pickups.

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    April 27, 2023 17:10

    Will an update be available by June of this year 2023? Our school is doing our annual process of creating a work around to get carpool information on our back-to-school forms which we assign at the start of June and they're due in August prior to the start of the upcoming school year. Sure would be nice to have this change before next school year. We've all been "patiently" waiting since Jan 2017 and longer!!!

  • Tim Ruiz commented
    April 27, 2023 16:28

    6 years and 250 votes later, action is slowly being made over at Blackbaud !


    *Tim Ruiz** | *Director of Information Technology

    Saint Mark���s School

    1050 E. Altadena Drive

    Altadena, CA 91001

    Main: (626) 798-8858 /(626)%20798-8858;228/>, ext. 266

    Direct: (626) 733-9121

  • Admin
    Jessi Walters commented
    April 27, 2023 16:20

    Hi all, I wanted to give an update on this Idea. We are currently refining the list of requirements that can be delivered when we take on this project. While this is marked as "Under consideration," the question we are working to answer is what and when - not if - this will happen. The project will require collaboration and work from both the Core and Enrollment Management development teams. Stay tuned; good things are coming!

  • Shannon Krise commented
    April 27, 2023 15:52

    We would also prefer Authorized Pickups added in a similar way to Emergency Contacts. Or an option under each contact to indicate if they are an emergency contact, authorized pickup, or both.

  • Candi Roberts commented
    April 12, 2023 11:44

    We would find it more helpful if it was similar to Emergency Contacts and displayed at the top of their Academic profile in the same way. Relationships gets complicated.

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    April 11, 2023 19:07

    Should we be happy that it's taken more than SEVEN years for this to be taken into consideration. This is why I don't trust ideas when the consultants tell us to submit one when we chat.

    EVERY camp form a parent fills out is always asked who is authorized to pick up their child. Yet somehow, Blackbaud, who works with K-12 private students, can't seem to figure this out. Wow.

  • Amanda Polson commented
    March 29, 2023 18:39

    Crazy that this is still not a part of the system! We need an authorized pick up list as a feature on each child's contact card. Also a "Do not release to" list. Those are so important! (Can't lose the emergency contacts though, thats a separate and also required area).

  • Mary Zieten commented
    September 16, 2022 19:32

    How about getting rid of the email emergency contacts (does anyone actually use those?) and putting in Authorized Pickups instead? This is a frustration point for us, especially since our after school program has a system that will do this!

  • Tim Ruiz commented
    August 11, 2022 19:03

    5 years and 225 votes later and nothing back from Blackbaud. Now that's customer service. Glad they have this feature for recommending updates.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    March 18, 2022 14:59

    Is this being looked at at all?

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    March 04, 2022 19:26

    Oh man! We forgot to celebrate the 5th birthday of this suggestion! This one is old enough to be enrolled in elementary school. Any update as to when this may be implemented?

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    June 08, 2021 13:37

    Will this ever be implemented? Shame on Blackbaud for not taking authorized pickups/carpool more serious for schools. It's archaic how we have to create workarounds to make this work. We ask for contact information on a school form, export it to Excel and then ask each division assistant to maintain their own spreadsheet.....

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    June 07, 2021 16:49

    Has this really been out there for 4 YEARS???!!! I deleted the rest of my comment because I was not being very nice....*sigh*

  • Amber LeJeune commented
    June 03, 2021 16:56

    I'm a little disappointed that this is not already a function. This was actually a question we asked when looking at switching over to Blackbaud and we were told that this was a functionality. While I understand that there are workarounds, this did come off as misleading.

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