Currently, if you open up privacy settings, the parents can choose what is shown in the directory, etc. However, this means a smart student can go in and make it so teacher's cannot see their picture, email, etc. When a teacher then emails the whole class, the student DOES NOT receive that email. The only way to block this from happening is to block it from everyone including parents OR give all teachers the role of contact card manager. There is absolutely nothing that warns you this is happening.
Students should be allowed to block their peers from seeing their contact information without it blocking it for their teachers. This idea was submitted in 2019 and I set up a case questioning this and was told to submit it as an idea, It's as if the people that created this platform never experience fear of having all their classmates being able to look up their address and phone number. What a wonderful life the designers must have. My position is collections and I don't want an unstable parent having my home address, so my solution was to get a PO Box because I can not block a portion of the community from seeing my details -- it's all or nothing.