Recorded Grades Data Import does not allow for non-US characters in student names

We have students with names that have non-US characters which cause the data import to fail. In order to import grades, students names need to be change to US characters for the duration of the import and then changed back. This is an issue as our student body is quite diverse.

  • Kathleen Peak
  • Feb 24 2021
  • Attach files
  • Troy Yochelson commented
    October 14, 2021 22:03

    Had a similar issue when attempting to import information in August; here's some information I posted elsewhere on this site that may be of help.

    Blackbaud's undocumented encoding (both for import and export) is ISO-8859-1; Windows' ANSI encoding is an offshoot of ISO-8859-1, and the encoding is known by other names as well.

    Note that Google Sheets (at least on a Mac) defaults to UTF-8 encoding, so an export from Google Sheets will need to have its encoding changed to ISO-8859-1 in order to import into Blackbaud with accents intact.


    From Windows:

    1. Open your CSV file in Notepad, which will automatically detect the correct encoding, unlike Excel);

    2. Select "File > Save as..."

    3. At the bottom, where the "Encoding" drop down is, select "ANSI" (this is Microsoft's ISO-8859-1, and seems close enough to be usable)

    4. Either save over the existing file or enter a new name, make sure your File Type is "All Files", include your .CSV extension and save it as a new file

    5. Upload to Blackbaud for import (and hope they haven't changed the format or messed it up in a novel fashion)

    From macOS:

    1. Open Terminal

    2. Run the following command:
      iconv -t ISO-8859-1 {your CSV filename and path} > {new CSV filename and path}

    3. Upload to Blackbaud for import (and hope they haven't changed the format or messed it up in a novel fashion)


    On a Windows system, you shouldn't have to do anything; Blackbaud's standard encoding should work just fine. (If this is not correct, drop me a note and let me know!)

    If you want to import into Google Sheets, Blackbaud's standard encoding also works...because Google Sheets checks the encoding of the file before importing it.

    On a macOS system, Numbers will also auto-detect the encoding properly.

    With Excel for Mac:

    1. Open an empty spreadsheet file

    2. Select "File > Import"

    3. Select "CSV", then click "Import"

    4. Locate and double-click the Blackbaud export file

    5. At "Text Import Wizard - Step 1 of 3", select "File origin: Windows (ANSI), then click Next
      NOTE: Western (ISO Latin 1) or Western (Windows Latin 1) will also work; however, "Macintosh" will NOT...and of course it can't auto-detect.

    6. At "Text Import Wizard - Step 2 of 3", select "Delimiters: Comma and click Finish OR click Next and make any additional changes in "Text Import Wizard - Step 3 of 3", then click Finish

    With Terminal:

    1. Open Terminal

    2. Run the following command:
      iconv -t UTF-8 {blackbaud's CSV filename and path} > {UTF-8 CSV filename and path}

    3. Import your data per your application's default methodology.

    Credit to Stack Exchange, which provided many many clues to lead me to this solution.

  • Brian Gray commented
    March 24, 2021 18:04

    This is a critical requirement for us.

    The inability to import data with the correct spelling of a person's name adds hours of work and increases the chances for errors. Blackbaud serves and international community of schools and families from around the world. It's time to support them all.