This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12CO-I-1327 Allow Attachments in Messages.
Currently Blackbaud K-12 Education Systems does not have the capability to allow attachments on Messages written by community members. Staff and faculty in our school constantly are requesting to be able to attach documents and other files to the messages they send to parents and students.
I agree. An attachment feature is very useful.
Please add an attachments feature, which would enhance Blackbaud and make it more useful.
This feature would really streamline interactions with parents and students!
Please add this feature to make it more user-friendly.
Yes, please add this feature!!
With the messaging system replacing our prior email, it is essential we have the same capabilities as with email with regards to attachments.
definitely, we need to be able to add attachments!
This feature would be very helpful!
YES, it would be helpful.
This would be super helpful!
This would be extremely helpful and has been a noticeable limitation.
It would definitely be very helpful
The ability to add attachments to messages is critical for teachers wanting to communicate with their students in an effective and efficient manner. For instance, if teachers want to send their class review materials before an assessment, attaching it directly to a message would be the easiest way for the teacher to do it and for students to recieve it.
I would use it
Allowing attachments would make messaging in Blackbaud so much more convenient
Adding an attachment feature would make things a lot easier for us. It's challenging not to have that capability
We are constantly sending out communications with attachments and not having attachments as an option for messaging is a big hinderance to us.
The fact that I can't currently attach anything makes it less likely for me to adopt BlackBaud as my primary form of communication with parents and students.