This is very useful because right now we have a traditional pen and paper to sign students in/out. Not only is it more streamline others schools have already started to do this and it takes away from what the office staff is already managing. The main idea or concept is to add a website for every school running Blackbaud that has a blank student checkout form "please fill out students name" (This should have an autofill option for the students name) "please select a reason for checking the student out" (Make these options customizable with either a checkbox option or a text field option
Medical: __
Family Related: __
Other: (This would be a text box )
the main purpose to have this feature in Blackbaud as opposed to a google form would be so it auto updates the attendance in the schools Blackbaud database.
This feature is available through BB's strategic partner; SchoolPass. It integrates with BB and pushes/pulls attendance on an hourly basis
Yes, AND - tied directly into the student's attendance record. This would cut down on our admin time and would offer much more timely/accurate attendance info in case of emergency, during fire drills, etc.