Display Room Name instead of Room Number on Schedules

Currently schedules only display room numbers. All of our rooms do have room numbers, but in some cases it's easier for a student to see that they have a class in the "Gym" for example.

I understand that a workaround is to put a short name in the "Room Number" field, but it doesn't truly line up with the field's purpose and skews reporting. Also, with a 10 character limit on Room Number, there's not much that can be added in that field.

If the Room Name was displayed on a student schedule instead, we could update our setup so that the room number is also entered in both the Room Number and Room Names fields if that's how it's referred to (e.g. Room Number = 101 and Room Name = 101). Then for other rooms, the setup could be specific (e.g. Room Number = 123, Room Name = Gym).

  • Erin Caprielian
  • Nov 3 2023
  • Attach files