Allow schools to delete School Forms if used

I am requesting an enhancement to School Forms, to be able to delete forms even after they've been used/submitted. I want to be able to clean up ones they've re-done and remove the old ones, test ones, etc. but they are locked for having been used.
  • Guest
  • Sep 3 2015
  • Implemented
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    • Paul Mlakar commented
      June 28, 2018 15:49

      Spectacular! Thank you!!!

      Paul Mlakar
      Director of Academic Information Systems | Mathematics Teacher
      Academic Team Coach | SAT/ACT Site Supervisor
      St. Mark's School of Texas
      10600 Preston Road | Dallas, TX 75230
      214.346.8451 |


    • Megan Lowney commented
      June 28, 2018 00:30

      I will be out of the office till Monday July 2, 2018. I will not be able
      to access my e-mail while I am away. If you need immediate assistance
      please e-mail Melissa Chiappone at

    • Sarah Koziarski commented
      September 21, 2017 14:35

      If you want to delete a form that's been used/submitted, you can, you just have to remove all the recipients, which deletes completed/submitted forms. Which can be extremely tedious if you have lots of recipients, and you wouldn't want to do that for actual forms from parents you still need to have on file. But it's OK if it was a test form and only test users submitted the form.

      You can also change form names to add an "OLD" or previous year date, or I've even changed the whole name to "Test" or "Delete Me" to forms we no longer need until I have time to remove all the recipients and delete the form. Of course, this is something you would not want to do for forms parents or students can see since it's not professional, but it works fine for internal test forms or other forms outside constituents do not see.

    • Guest commented
      November 17, 2016 16:05

      Any additional control over forms would be a positive improvement.  We would also like to see the ability to delete forms or at least archive them (or let parents and students archive them).  Because we use the same permission forms from year to year, we actually had parents confused and thought that they had submitted a permission form for this year, when they had really clicked on the form still showing up for last year.  It doesn't matter that it's clearly marked as to whether it's completed or not - parents just don't always figure that out.  Deleting forms manually is EXTREMELY tedious.  Many parents are complaining that they have too many forms to look at, especially when they have multiple students.  However, I would not want to move to a scenario where all forms are wiped out in the rollover.  While this would be fine for most of our forms, sometimes we need to see them from a prior year.  Thank you for considering!

    • Jim Robb commented
      November 01, 2016 19:29

      How about having school forms tie to a School Year? Like report cards. You could roll them over as desired.

    • Scott Durham commented
      August 24, 2016 23:02

      It would be nice if this applied to other forms such as application forms.

    • Guest commented
      July 11, 2016 19:00

      All the below comments are great--some other form of organization or default sorting would be nice, especially if deletion is not an option. We're only in our first year using onSuite, but this has the potential to become very cumbersome very quickly. 

    • Candace Chesler commented
      July 06, 2016 22:08

      So glad this is under consideration!  I think we have two issues - one is to be able to out and out delete the forms - and the second would be to archive them from the parent view - but keep them accessible to the school. 

    • Tim Baldyga commented
      April 05, 2016 14:59

      I agree with Caitlin Garzi, the ability to hide or archive old forms seems to be a good first step if deletion is not an option.

    • Joshua Blice commented
      January 27, 2016 17:04

      It would be great if the forms could be organized into folders for the users that are creating them. We use this form feature a lot and I have a ton of forms to sift through.

    • Guest commented
      January 19, 2016 14:03

      You should at least be able to "archive" them so the screen can be cleaner. 

    • Kerry Jackson commented
      December 21, 2015 15:04

      In a case for us we would like to collect data from parents through a school form and then remove that form and it's collected data after we've used it as an added security.

    • Guest commented
      November 06, 2015 16:10

      I think it would be better is the filter defaulted to "active' instead of 'all' - or that you could chose what your default is or that it remembers your last selection. 

    • Vincent Jurgens commented
      September 06, 2015 20:11

      A step in the right direction would be to remember during and between sessions my Active/InActive Status filter selection on Forms management page.

    • +115