Ability to Delete an Inquiry

I would like the ability to delete inquiries from onBoard.
  • Nancy Joseph
  • Sep 3 2015
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Cynthia Addison commented
    February 04, 2016 19:54

    Just had a prank inquiry submitted online today. Had to chat with support to have them delete it. she said it had to be processed before it could be deleted, but there's no way we wanted to process it!! There should be some way to delete an inquiry, even if it is a few steps to prevent accidental  deletions.

  • Guest commented
    December 30, 2015 23:04

    We have quite a few international families that dad/son have the same name. Occasionally an inquiry form gets attached to a parent's record giving the parent the "candidate" role because we don't have enough information when we process the inquiries. If we inactivate the inquiry then we still have parents in the system marked as "past candidate." If we could delete the inquiry and get rid of the candidate AND past candidate roles from parents that would would really prevent a lot of confusion.

  • Guest commented
    October 26, 2015 18:10

    Can't you go in to a user's Profile in Core and under System Information "Remove User"?

  • Guest commented
    September 17, 2015 18:20

    It is ridiculous we don't have the ability to delete faulty and duplicate inquiries.  Often we do tests to our system with fictitious names and want to delete these later.  Sometimes parents will submit 2 and 3 inquiries which is a waste of our time to process, not to mention inquiries that are submitted with 2 children on one form that cannot be processed (i.e. Joan and Mary Smith).  Please add the delete feature!  Thank you

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