Ability to Edit/Delete onBoard Official Notes

I would like the ability to edit/delete onBoard Official Notes (without a data fix).

It takes too much administrative time to look into the system for the information to be deleted when it could be done ourselves right there in the interface.

  • Deleted User
  • Aug 5 2015
  • Implemented
  • Feb 7, 2018

    Admin response

    We've got great news!

    With this morning's (2/7/18) release, Admissions Managers can now delete Official Notes without requiring a data fix! 

    This is an option that is turned off by default. So your next step is to go to onBoard > Settings > Official Notes to enable the option. 



    This release does not impact onRecord Official Notes. 

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • Attach files
  • Liz M commented
    7 Feb, 2018 04:32pm

    Clarification Needed Regarding the Admin Response Below:

    Can you also edit the official note or change the date of the note or does the update only allow for a delete of the note?

    Thank you for any clarification you can provide.

    Liz McSweeney
    High Mowing School

    Sent from my iPhone

  • Guest commented
    19 Dec, 2016 06:17pm

    ABSOLUTELY!!  That is silly...

  • Guest commented
    14 Jan, 2016 07:40pm

    Much needed!

  • Guest commented
    5 Oct, 2015 03:23pm

    Yes, please! We are trying to clean up old notes and would love the ability to edit/re-index and delete old notes.

  • Chuck Andres commented
    20 Sep, 2015 05:31pm


    Thanks for the response!  I was speaking about both onBoard and onRecord.



  • Brenda Noiseux commented
    17 Sep, 2015 08:39pm

    Hi Chuck, 

    Is your comment regarding onBoard Official Notes for the Admissions office or for onRecord Official Notes for students? onRecord Official Notes do allow for a soft delete of notes. 



  • Chuck Andres commented
    17 Sep, 2015 06:10pm


    Or the ability to keep open running notes about students for a year vs. potentially multiple notes for a child per weekly meeting.  That leads to searching through hundreds of notes per child per year.

  • Robert Lane commented
    12 Aug, 2015 04:07pm

    YES!  Why isn't this an option anyway????

  • +2