Publish Date for Contracts

I would like the option to generate contracts in the same window where they are added using the Manage Contracts wizard After I get the contract complete and all settings are final, I would like to be able to add the contracts using Manage Contracts then click a button to generate in one area. Since the contract has a publish date set it would be visible when that date has arrived.
  • Guest
  • Aug 26 2015
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  • Candace Chesler commented
    March 01, 2017 23:58

    Having the ability to set a Date and Time would be fantastic.  A number of schools in our area agree to publish our admissions decisions - and contracts - at 10:00 am on a specific date.  The way it stands now - we have to interrupt our day to generate the contracts in order to comply with that deadline.  

  • Austin Ewachiw commented
    February 17, 2017 17:31

    I would also like to see a Date AND TIME.  This would allow us to publish our Acceptances (which can be date and time) and then also reveal the contract at that date and time.

  • +1