Department Chairs to have Access to Department Members Gradebooks

It would be helpful for heads of departments to be able to access their fellow department members grade books, to monitor consistency for our team teaching.  They don't need to be Grading Managers.

  • Austin Ewachiw
  • Nov 21 2016
  • Attach files
  • Jordy Ross commented
    21 Oct, 2020 03:21pm

    Would love for department chairs to be able to access gradebooks and course pages for their own department. Our messy workaround has involved adding them as co-teachers to classes as needed, which makes a mess of their personal schedule and makes it unclear who is teaching what at a glance.

  • Anna Broomell commented
    4 Mar, 2020 04:51pm

    Does anyone know if this has been implemented?

  • Matt Lipstein commented
    13 Jan, 2020 07:45pm

    I'm just today adding another Chair as a Grading Manger to accomplish the same task described, and once again feeling very uncomfortable with the level of access they'll now have. Wish there was a fix for this. 

  • Tiffany Klang commented
    5 Sep, 2019 06:50pm

    Yes please! The only option now is to give them editing access to ALL gradebooks within the school. I'd like to be able to limit it to only the courses within their department, and read-only if possible. 

  • Anna Broomell commented
    20 Aug, 2018 03:31pm

    Yes!  This is very much needed and was an option when we utilized FAWeb.  

  • Rick Geyer commented
    31 Jul, 2017 10:05pm

    There are several threads about this feature. If they were all combined there would be close to 50 votes for this. I only say that so that Blackbaud understands this is a very needed feature.

  • +1