Display Letter Grade in Gradebook

We would like a display option in the gradebook that would add a column that presented the letter grade next to the percentage grade.

  • Quinn Loucks
  • Oct 5 2018
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Dino Vandenheede commented
    9 Apr, 2024 02:25pm

    This would be very helpful as some teachers don't know the grade translation table for report cards. So, having the gradebook averages show letter grades would be very helpful.

  • Cheryl Costello commented
    19 May, 2023 04:01pm

    With many schools moving to mastery grading, the ability to choose if grades are displayed numerically only, letter grade only, or both would be great.

  • Melissa Battis commented
    31 Aug, 2020 02:40am

    Even better: if we could pick what the cumulative grade was presented as: Letter, percentage, GPA.

  • Angela Neff commented
    11 Jun, 2019 06:29pm

    We would like this too for assignments as well as cumulative course grades.