Students, teachers and parents like to see the percentage and letter grades, the system should be able to show both without having to add assigments in as letters.
The only work around right now is to run report cards periodically so that all can see letters and numerics.
Wrinkle to this: different schools have different grading scales; some schools have different grading scales within the same school.
We're a bilingual school, and our French track courses map percentages to letter grades differently than the US track courses to. A 75% in a French class is something like a high B where the same 75% is a solid C in the US classes.
I agree. When I look at a student's progress page, it is hard to tell which assignments they did poorly on without using a calculator. We use points for grade calculations, but it still helpful to see the student grade trends by seeing which assignments they earn which grades on, not just a score of 32/48.
This is essential! I'm not sure how we missed, during all the demos, that gradebooks don't show both the percent score and letter grade. It is a very big deal to our teachers and parents that they can't see this!