Enable teacher / leader / coach reordering in classes, activities, and teams - Make 'Head' first

For classes, activities, and teams that more than 1 teacher / leader / coach assigned, the ordering of these is determined based on the teacher / leader / coach last name.  This makes it difficult for parents to know at a glance who actually is in charge and should be the primary point of contact.

  1. Regardless of how many teachers / leaders / coaches are assigned, whomever is marked as 'Head' should always appear first.
  2. With the head listed first, we should be able to choose whether to leave the default alphabetical ordering of the rest of the teachers / leaders / coaches, or manually organize & rearrange this.
    1. Ideally, the head teacher / leader / coach should also have this ability to reorder.  For example, in the case of a team, the head coach needs to be appear first followed by the assistant coach.
  • Alex Orlebeke
  • Nov 14 2019
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