Dorm Management

In "Extracurricular" persona, under "Residence Life"->"dorm management", there is a button labeled "Manage all dorm leaders" It has the ability to switch which person is the "head" and "Add Dorm Leaders" Unfortunately none of these changes to a dorm are savable. This should either be made to work or just remove the button. If it worked that would be the 2nd most convenient way of entering in this information

Second, what is with the expand and collapse icon on the page. See the blue circles on the attached file.

Last, although I should probably wait until I'm done setting up dorms to say that, add the ability to import dorm information! That would be the MOST convenient way of adding the information.

  • Jeff Harrison
  • Aug 12 2020
  • Attach files
  • Christopher Obenchain commented
    22 Oct, 2020 04:19pm

    Bulk import for dorm residents would be a huge help!