Please do not have the individual student assessment timers reset back to the full time when the student resumes the assessment after the teacher hits the allow continue button.

Please do not have the individual student assessment timers reset back to the full time when the student resumes the assessment after the teacher hits the allow continue button.

For example if the teacher gives all the students 60 minutes to complete an exam assessment. Then Joe starts taking the assessment and gets kicked out (for whatever reason such as internet going down) with 42 minutes left on their individual assessment timer. Then the teacher clicks the allow continue button for Joe (without adjusting the time any student gets to finish). Then Joe clicks resume and sees the questions they have already answered and sees the questions they have not answered yet which is what happens and what we want to happen. However when Joe hits the resume button we would like their individual assessment timer to show 42 minutes left to finish that assessment, which was the time left when Joe got kicked out the first time. Please allow the timer that keeps track of the the time left to finish an assessment to remember how much time was left when the student got kicked out of an assessment (in this example 42 minutes left), so that when the teacher hits the allow continue button and the student resumes the assessment the timer is automatically set to the time they had left when they got kicked out of the assessment (in this example 42 minutes left to finish).

We do not want the time allowed for an assessment to reset when the teacher clicks the allow continue button. If the time allowed resets when the teacher clicks allow continue, Joe would get 18 minutes for the first time before getting kicked out and 60 minutes for the second time after the allow continue button. Which would mean that Joe had 78 minutes to complete the assessment which is unfair to the other students in the class. THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE IMMEDIATELY SINCE IT IS CREATING AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE FOR SOME STUDENTS!! Thank you for your help!

  • Ed Hilliard
  • Feb 11 2021
  • Attach files