Gradebook Access

It would be helpful if we could have an option to lock down teacher grade books so that they can't make changes once their grades have been committed and reviewed. Since they can, they sometimes think that just completing that step will adjust the student's grade, although it does not.

In the past, on different SIS systems we've always been able to lock down grade books, so sometimes teachers forget that this system works differently. If locking down grade books isn't possible, it would be helpful if notifications could be generated to notify us if a change has been made so that we can make the necessary update to the student's grade in Grade Management.

  • Guest
  • Jan 12 2022
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  • S Long commented
    6 Feb, 2022 11:07pm

    Or a pop-up notice for the teacher that they need to notify a specific individual to update the student's grade in Grade Mgt.