Assignments: Global Setting for Publish to Grade Book Options

I'd like the ability to globally set the default for all teachers "add to grade book" to NO in the assignment center.
  • Deleted User
  • Aug 12 2015
  • Attach files
  • Leslie Hagen commented
    10 Jul, 2020 02:07pm

    With the June 2020 update, there are three different ‘places’ a teacher can add an assignment and they don’t seem to maintain consistent settings. Teachers expect Add to gradebook, Publish grade, and Add to cumulative grade to be selected by default. Some are likely to not notice they are unchecked because they have always been selected. If there is a way to change the default on the backend, it would be helpful. It does seem to remember the last settings when you add the assignment through the Gradebook but it doesn’t seem to remember the settings when adding through the Assignment tab.