Green "graded" for incomplete NEEDS to be red "incomplete" in student view

On the assignments page, when the teacher has marked a grade as "Incomplete" with a 0, it shows up in the student assignment center as green and "graded" - which says to the student, "I don't have to worry about this anymore." It needs to show up as RED and INCOMPLETE so students can see at a glance what work has been submitted and what work has not. 

  • Heather Horning
  • Oct 21 2015
  • Implemented
  • Jul 27, 2017

    Admin response

    Hi There!

    I am thrilled to report that with this morning's release we have updated the Student Assignment Center to include additional status' including Missing, Incomplete, Exempt and Late. We also split out the labels from the actions to clarify the student experience. 

    Thank you so much for helping us create better software!

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    • Ashley Rose McLaury commented
      July 27, 2017 13:58

      June 30, 2017 is my last day at Miss Porter's School. Please direct all
      inquiries to the new registrar, Terry Armington, at

      Thank you.

    • Ashley Rose McLaury commented
      July 27, 2017 13:54

      June 30, 2017 is my last day at Miss Porter's School. Please direct all
      inquiries to the new registrar, Terry Armington, at

      Thank you.

    • Guest commented
      June 17, 2017 15:08

      Outstanding!!! Keep them coming!

    • Jackie Christensen commented
      June 17, 2017 14:20

      Hi All!

      I have an update on this idea! We are cooking on an Assignment Center update for Students that we plan to release ahead of the 2017/2018 school year! 

      With this release, we're going to make a better distinction between labels and actions. We'll also be adding the grade book status' so Students will be able to clearly see what has been marked as Incomplete or Missing by their Teachers. 

      Here's a sneak peek at the prototype: 

      I apologize that our timeline slipped from what I predicted above. We realized that it made more practical sense to time this update with our transition to the SKY UX look and feel. 

      Let me know what you think about the prototype and if we're on the right track to making the Assignment Center an even more useful tool for your students and getting this very popular idea closed out!


      Senior Product Manager, onCampus & onBoard

    • Dawn Berkeley commented
      November 11, 2016 18:34

      There was an initial response of a projected time of Spring 2016... Wanted to follow up on its progress.



    • Lisa Hellinger commented
      November 04, 2016 00:01

      I agree that leaving the teacher view yellow would be great. Green should mean completely done for both teacher and student, but right now it does not. Thanks!

    • Colin Monaghan commented
      June 02, 2016 19:01

      Any updates on this set of Assignment improvements? Last I heard it was slated for Q2 2016. Will these features be ready for fall 2016?

    • Jeannie Finley commented
      February 16, 2016 19:47

      This is extremely important for students.  Graded could mean it is done or it could mean a 0 for not being handed in.  Students really rely on the assignments screen.  This would be a great change!

    • Jackie Christensen commented
      November 22, 2015 19:54

      Hi All,

      Thank you so much for brining this to my attention! The plan is to work in some BB K12 Community requests for Assignments some time in Quarter 2 of 2016 (Spring).

      I'll keep you posted on the progress as we get a little closer. 



    • Guest commented
      November 18, 2015 19:57

      I'd like teacher view to stay yellow also until the incompletes are removed. It's a good visual reminder that you need to go back and grade the remaining work.

    • Guest commented
      November 17, 2015 18:25

      The teacher view should remain as red also, so that we know that someone still has an assignment out there to be completed.

    • Erica Browitt commented
      November 17, 2015 16:10

      Agreed!  That would be very helpful!

    • Guest commented
      November 17, 2015 15:41


    • Guest commented
      November 17, 2015 15:40

      Yes, I agree!

    • Guest commented
      November 17, 2015 15:30

      This is true for both the student and teacher view. :-( 

    • Audrey Peebles commented
      November 11, 2015 18:26

      I with you!

    • Stanley Golanka commented
      November 06, 2015 21:30

      Yes, and even better would be a "redo" checkbox in the grading window that displays "redo" to the student.  (By the same token, non-dropbox assignments should not automatically switch to "overdue" if the teacher doesn't grade it immediately.)

    • Jennifer Culp commented
      October 22, 2015 09:42

      Yes, I agree!

    • +67