Ability to Customize the Submission Confirmation Message at the End of a Custom Form

We would like the ability to customize the Submission Confirmation message at the end of an onMessage Custom Form.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Oct 28 2015
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Angela Addison commented
    17 Mar, 2020 02:23pm

    We added in our last release the ability to customize the thank you message on custom form submission at the category level (so that all custom forms in that category would get your custom message without having to edit each one). In our next week release (3/24) we will also be giving you the ability then to create a custom thank you message at the form level as well so that it would overwrite the category level message. We will also be giving you the ability in the same release to add head and body tracking snippets to your confirmation so that if you use website tracking like Google Analytics you can track where submission traffic is coming from.

  • Lauren Koppelman commented
    27 Sep, 2016 02:36pm

    I am using Custom Forms to support an inbound marketing strategy. Not being able to edit the submission page after a custom form is submitted greatly limits the efficacy of my strategy. Additionally, custom forms only send a confirmation email to users who are logged in. If they are used as a public conversion tool, users are neither engaged with a custom email response nor a well-thought out confirmation page.

  • Tanisha Guthrie commented
    2 Feb, 2016 08:26pm

    We were relying on the form confirmation text to include "next steps" information only for users who submitted a custom form.