Allow filtering of News > Recent Activity in the same way as Archived Content

This would allow end-users to see just what they want of recent activity at a given time.

  • Ethan Delavan
  • Jan 5 2016
  • Attach files
  • Kristin Heard commented
    15 Sep, 2022 04:41pm

    Only show what pertains to a person or their students on the recent activity feed. If a parent doesn't have a high school student, they shouldn't see anything posted to high school. It clutters their feed with unnecessary things and they can't rely on it to quickly find inforamtion they need.

  • Eric LaCroix commented
    9 Feb, 2021 03:34pm

    It could be helpful for students to be able to NOT show courses in which they are still technically enrolled even though the class is over, so that they could look back on content in the class without needing to be dropped from the class.