Medical Worklist: allergy and conditions 'other' data needs to export also

Currently, when you select 'Allergies' and 'Conditions' in a medical worklist, any of those that were entered as 'Other' would have had an accompanying 'details' box. That details box is not currently able to seen in a worklist. Making it available would increase the usefulness of medical worklists.


Edit: Also need ability to export 'Medical History' section through the worklist

  • Guest
  • Apr 17 2017
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  • Stephen Alonso commented
    April 08, 2019 19:38

    I agree with the post from 2 years ago....that was just sent to me by a Blackbaud support individual.....because I have the same issue.....which still hasn't been implemented......and clearly this isn't on the radar of the developers to allow advanced list creation with medical data, which would lead to the ability to export your own data.

  • Guest commented
    April 25, 2017 20:36

    It's pretty disappointing that this becomes a feature request when we're asking for information that can't be exported.  That information is precisely the information you would need to be able to import into a full-featured medical program.  The only other alternative is to enter every possible allergy or condition, which just isn't very practical.  This has nothing to do with the forms being "medical" or "hpa compliant".