Better Grid View Print Option for Student and Faculty Schedules with filters

The current Grid View Report is completely useless. You can not print a schedule in grid format showing a student or faculty's schedule over the entire day/rotation like you could in EE. The current report in onRecord has limited functionality and uses date rather than rotations to filter. And it doesn't print on one page. The EE schedule report was far and away superior and there should be a similar option available in onRecord. This is a major problem that should be addressed immediately. 

  • Mindy Stone
  • Aug 9 2017
  • Attach files
  • Angela Kunz commented
    July 21, 2020 14:19

    100% agree not all schools work on a Monday to Friday Schedule. EE Schedule report was 1000 times better allowing you to filter on the information you need as well as see everything clearly.

  • Guest commented
    October 19, 2018 14:56

    I think these ideas should be combined 


  • Guest commented
    October 19, 2018 14:10

    I continue to struggle with the same issues. We had to manually create our schedules over the summer. Blackbaud told me the grid is hard coded so we couldn't make any easy changes. It's totally useless.

  • Guest commented
    July 26, 2018 15:42

    Many client have expressed the need to have more options when printing schedules, much like EE 

  • Guest commented
    August 09, 2017 20:52

    I've worked around this limitation using Word macros, but it wasn't easy.